Imagine a world that makes little to no sense... a world where trust is replaced with mistrust, where belief is replaced with skepticism and where love is replaced with hurt. This is the world of International Parental Child Abduction. It's a dark world that is filled with a great deal of pain and suffering.
But make no mistake: the love of a parent who is willing to chase the cyclone of abduction is stronger than the strongest tsunami. And not only have I felt this love myself during the time I was Chasing The Cyclone, but I have witnessed first-hand other parents do everything they can in the best interest of their child.
Now for those of you who do not know how parental child abductors typically attempt to have an international court sanction their illicit act of kidnapping, the way this is done under the rules of the Hague Convention is to slander, defame, and outright attempt to vilify their target before the courts. Claims of child abuse, molestation, incredible drug and alchohol use, etc., are commonplace, occurring in near every abduction defense. Of note, these claims are made by both men and women abductors equally against their targets.
There is no question that abduction litigation is complicated. In part this is due to various laws and cultural norms in countries associated to the litigation.
During the years I have worked to assist other parents, I have met few parents who have withstood the incredible challenges in attempting to reunite with their child than my friend Steven. I am proud to stand with him as he works diligently to reunite with his daughter while hopefully reforming laws and policies that have failed him and his child.
One day, Steven will be reunited with his child. And until that day happens, he will have my unwavering support. Why? Because my friend Steven is a very good, caring, honest, and loving man.
I would like to share this letter from Steven as it serves as a reminder of the many thousands of targeted parents around the world - near equally men and women - who are forced to defend against a child kidnappers claims under Article 12 or Article 13 of the Hague Convention.
Letters like Steven's are very important for they educate each of us of the importance of stopping abduction.
As for the targeted parent who was able to protect their child, I must say that he unquestionably is one of the kindest, gentlest, and loving parents I know.
To read a large number of select testimonial letters from parents who I and the I CARE Foundation have assisted, Please Click Here.
Critically, parents need to know the Warning Signs Of International Parental Child Abduction.
Of great interest is the fact that the I CARE Foundation's groundbreaking International Travel Child Consent Form is being hailed as one of the most important child abduction prevention tools ever created.

The shared select testimonials were provided in order to educate others of the severity parents around the world face when dealing with the abduction of their child.
One last thing: Steven - you know where I stand.
Kind regards to all,
Peter Thomas Senese