Author, Filmmaker, and Children’s Advocate Peter Thomas Senese is a successful Chasing Parent committed to raising society’s awareness on the dangers that exist when a child is abducted by one parent from another. In the United States, it is estimated that approximately 400,000 parental child abductions occur each year, with an estimated 10,000 of these abduction crimes against defenseless children being international in nature. Tragically, many internationally abducted children are never returned. Too many are lost forever.
The arsenal of skillfully crafted and riveting tools the outspoken children’s advocate has created in order to educate others about the travesty of child abduction include the critically acclaimed upcoming worldwide publication of Chasing The Cyclone and the release of the now completed groundbreaking documentary film Chasing Parents: Racing Into The Storms Of International Parental Child Abduction. Both book and film will be released in multiple languages, including French and Spanish.
In commenting about the growing success of Chasing The Cyclone and Chasing Parents: Racing Into The Storms Of International Parental Child Abduction, Peter Thomas Senese stated, “When I wrote Chasing The Cyclone and when I produced the film Chasing Parents I did so with one goal in mind, and that was to be able to create thoughtful, provoking, and highly educational entertainment vehicles that would shake the tree and raise global awareness on the terrible and dangerous plight of innocent children and targeted parents who must unexpectedly race into some of the darkest, and at times, deadliest storms you could ever imagine once a child is abducted, particularly across international borders. But education in itself was not my specific goal – the real target was to be able to use these products in order to assist in changing the legal landscape for children and victimized parents. This meant to strongly participate in the dialogue of creating laws that would serve our nation’s children.
“International Parental Child Abduction is no joke. It is a growing worldwide epidemic that could be halted in its tracks if two critical actions unilaterally take place. Critically, the first is that preventive laws must be established that would enable local courts of jurisdiction the opportunity to assess risk factors and act accordingly before an international parental child abduction occurs. The second task is that all nations must be held accountable for harboring parental child abductors who steal children across international borders either as a direct breach of the Hague Convention or as a direct violation of laws originating from the child’s place of original jurisdiction.”
Peter Thomas Senese has been one of the main orchestrators behind the advancement of Florida’s lawmakers to pass the state’s Child Abduction Prevention Act written by advocate Carolyn Ann Vlk, and sponsored by Representative Darryl Rouson and Senator Eleanor Sobel. Presently, The legislation has passed unanimously through two Senate Committees and one House Committee. The bill is expected to be placed before to legislative councils for review in the coming week. Over the past month, Senese has provided members of both Florida’s Senate and House of Representatives with copies of Chasing The Cyclone, and, has directed many legislators and their aides to the Chasing The Cyclone website, where they have been able to view the specifically created educational segments of Chasing Parents: Racing Into The Storms Of International Parental Child Abduction.
“It has been very satisfying to know that the true intent in creating Chasing The Cyclone and producing Chasing Parents – which was to inform lawmakers on the real challenges of child abduction, and offer solutions that could reduce the number of crimes against our children is actually having the impact I envisioned and hoped for when I first set out to create these tools. Having spent substantial time in person or on the telephone with Florida’s policymakers and their legislative aides, it is truly gratifying to learn that people are paying attention to the works I have created. And it is most pleasing to see the number of online viewers based in Tallahassee who have spent time watching the educational documentary film I and Ken Connelly – who was a victim of abduction and is one of our lead advocates on this bill – have created. And though we know we, along with Captain William Lake and Carolyn Ann Vlk all know we have a long way to go and a short time to get there before this bill becomes law, it is satisfying to know that my efforts may be making a difference. And make no mistake, the goal is high: It is to create law that will protect our children.”
Carolyn Ann Vlk, Florida’s Child Abduction Prevention Act and chief architect added, “The assistance of Peter Thomas Senese, the author of the critically acclaimed Chasing The Cyclone, and the producer/narrator of Chasing Parents: Racing Into The Storms of International Parental Child Abduction, to bring this legislation to the forefront of Florida’s legislators has been immeasurable. Peter Thomas’ professionalism, dedication, organization, commitment, and skills as a writer, speaker, filmmaker, and advocate has had a far-reaching effect. Whether it was sending a vast number of Florida’s lawmakers copies of ‘Chasing The Cyclone’, or directing them to view the documentary film on abduction, ‘Chasing Parents’, or creating the bill’s website, or flying into Tallahassee to speak before our legislative government, or paying for airline tickets so other advocates can petition our Senators and Representatives, Peter Thomas Senese has been open, fully committed, and unselfish. His willingness to share his personal story as that of a chasing parent while recovering his own child has touched the hearts of many, including the legislators he has met or communicated with. I am eternally grateful for his dedication, his ability to educate our lawmakers by providing them with copies of Chasing The Cyclone and creating the documentary Chasing Parents – all have played a significant role in creating further understanding for our lawmakers. I deeply respect his commitment to assist with the implementation of a law that will prevent other families from experiencing the tragedy of child abduction. Peter Thomas Senese’ impact has been far reaching.
Peter Thomas Senese, the father who dropped everything and chased into the cyclones of abduction and after his own child said, “If you are a parent chasing after your child, you must know hope, know faith, and allow the love you have for your child or children to fuel you. And never, never give up in the belief that you will bring your child home.”
Chasing The Cyclone, the thrilling, gut-wrenching, and gripping love story of a father and his son, penned under Peter Thomas, and praised by critiques as a book all loving parents or individuals who hope to have children must read, will be released in hardcover wherever books are sold on June 1st, 2010. Chasing Parents: Racing Into The Storms Of International Parental Child Abduction, the documentary film on international parental child abduction, will be released in late June, and will be made complimentary of charge to all courts, legislators, and children advocacy organizations involved with child abduction courtesy of Pacifica TWST.
For more information please visit www.chasingthecyclone.com